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Removed the game from itchio by mistake and cannot restore it :_( 

Additional link to play (& bigger):


For GMTK Game Jam 2023. The theme was "Roles Reversed", so I picked a classic and reversed the role of the player in a hopefully interesting way.

The idea was to add more levels and repaint all sprites to avoid copyright infringements, but run out of time 😭

(Of course, most of these sprites are copyright of Nintendo, I don't claim any authorship on them and I don't get any compensation for this project).

All the code is made by me, no framework used, just raw Javascript. 
All the music and sound effects are also done by me, using furnace and rFXGen.


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I doubt you're qualified because of the rules. But an interesting concept.

(2 edits)

Yeah I am disqualified :). Thanks for playing anyway!

Warning, A last time bug makes it work only on Firefox! working on it

Solved, but removed the game from itchio and cannot restore it again :o(